MATLAB silent install using msi version and offline installer. This example will use version 9.3 R2017b. The article will explain also silent uninstallation of MATLAB. Packages contain the script and the installation file and can be used to deploy in all deployment platforms.
MATLAB app developed by MathWorks is software for engineers and scientists. The software has main features like matrix manipulation or implementation of algorithms.
Jump to the scripts directly:
MATLAB silent install.
Short instruction for silent installation of Matlab application:
- Download Matlab app from official site.
- Create installer_input.txt file and activate.ini files.
- Create package folder where you will save files created previously and app downloaded.
- Copy license.lic to respective path.
- Run the command : “%~dp0setup.exe” -inputFile “%~dp0installer_input.txt” -activationPropertiesFile “%~dp0activate.ini”
For the full instruction please red the article.
- Offline installer:
- Matlab offline installer download
- 1. Create install script file.
- 2. Create installer_input.txt file
- 3. Create activate.ini file
- Execute script.
- MATLB msi silent install:
- Download MATLAB msi installer.
- Create command line.
- Execute script.
- MATLAB uninstall silently.
- Deploying MATLAB with sccm.
Attention! Silent install guides for other application here: Complete List
MATLAB offline silent install.
To perform silent installation of MATLAB you need to save the following files on a folder like “MATLAB installer”:
- Offline installer application
- Script “install.cmd” files with commands for installation.
- “installer_input.txt” file that contain parameters for silent installation.
- “activate.ini” file in order that MATLAB to be activated during silent installation.
- “license.lic” the licence file downloaded from official site
Download MATLAB offline installer.
You can download MATLAB offline installer directly to application webpage:
Note! Need to be registered to be able to download MATLAB. After login, download the last version of MATLAB offline installer. For the moment is 9.3 R2017b.
Copy the exe to the folder created above “MATLAB installer”.
Create install.cmd script file.
Create a text file to the folder created previously. Copy commands below and save like “Install.cmd”.
@ECHO off
ECHO MATLAB silent install
if not exist "C:\install\Logs" md "C:\install\Logs"
ECHO copy licence file
xcopy "%~dp0license.lic" /y /e "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\"
ECHO start installation
“%~dp0setup.exe” -inputFile “%~dp0installer_input.txt” -activationPropertiesFile “%~dp0activate.ini”
installer_input.txt file
destinationFolder=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b
fileInstallationKey=YOUR KEY HERE
licensePath=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\license.lic
Note! license.lic file as name of my licence file. Your maybe will be different but always change the name on the files. Copy to the same folder where you are defined ad location.
Create activate.ini file
licenseFile=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\license.lic
installLicenseFileDir=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\

matlab silent install
Execute command.
Run as Administrator the Install.cmd script and the MATLAB offline version will be installed silently.
MATLAB msi silent install.
MATLAB msi installer is an offline installer package off application. For the moment provider of application didn’t release msi version. The article will be updated if we will find any good msi provider.
Download Google Earth msi.
(To be updated)
Create cmd file for msi silent install.
(To Be updated)
Google Earth Msi command line explanation
(To Be updated)
Execute command.
(To Be updated)
MATLAB uninstall silently.
Uninstall MATLAB silently using the commands:
@echo off
echo MATLAB silent uninstall
“C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\uninstall\bin\win32\uninstall.exe” -inputFile “%~dp0uninstaller_input.txt”
) else (
“C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\uninstall\bin\win64\uninstall.exe” -inputFile “%~dp0uninstaller_input.txt”
Echo Done
Copy the commands to a text file and save like “uninstall.cmd”. Create another text file named “uninstall_input.txt” in the same folder and copy the following command:
The command uninstall MATLAB installation silently without required user action.
Note! Please change “R2017b” folder if you have other version of MATLAB

Matlab Silent Uninstall
Deploying MATLAB with sccm.
The both MATLAB offline packages explained above can deployed with SCCM 2012. To deploy packages on sccm please visit the post: Deploying Package SCCM