Task Scheduler 2147943726 is most common error during run of the tasks. The error is related directly with failing to start the task. Sometimes the error code comes along with error “unknown user name or bad password”. This error is clear related with username or password that the task is configured to run.
Reasons of Task Scheduler Error 2147943726
The most common reason is when you have changed the password for the user. The task is configured with the old password.
Anyhow in some specific case the same error appear when the task scheduler has lost the trust with domain. In this case in the errors you will find only the error code 2147943726. Error “unknown user name or bad password” will not appear.
Anyhow the same solutions used to resolve both situation.
Solutions to fix Task Scheduler 2147943726 Error:
- Open Task Scheduler and click “properties” on the task that has the error
- Click on “Change user or Group” and reconfigure the user that will start the task.
- Click “Ok” and type the password for the user.
The reconfiguration of the user done. The next run of the task will finish successfully.

Task Scheduler 2147943726
Another solutions:
Other solutions can be considerate to create a service account that will be configured on the scheduled task. You can make the password “Never expire” for the user. In this case the password will never expire and probably the error will never appear.
Please leave comment with you have any question related to error 2147943726 of Task Scheduler.